Visit the participating businesses to get stamps on your card. Each business has a stamp that is unique to that business! Collect 4 Stamps – Entered to win a $50 Fino Gift Card or a $50 Refresh Spa Gift Card Collect 8 Stamps – Entered to win a $150 Roma Restaurant Gift Card Collect 12 Stamps – Entered to win a $250 LaBonne’s Markets Gift Card Mail your completed card to the Watertown Chamber at PO Box 1469, Waterbury, CT 06721 OR Drop it in the Business Bingo Return Box at Jimmy’s Restaurant by September 1, 2019 for your Chance to WIN!
BONUS Bingo! Make a Purchase at Roma’s Restaurant and 2 other Participating Businesses Send in your receipts in with your business bingo card Be entered to win a $150 Roma’s Restaurant Gift Card!